Argument Wars
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Ever tried to win a disagreement? In Argument Wars, you will try out your persuasive abilities by arguing a real Supreme Court case.
The other lawyer is your competition. Whoever uses the strongest arguments wins!Cases include:
-Bond v. United States
-Brown v. Board of Education
-Gideon v. Wainwright
-Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier
-In Re Gault
-Miranda v. Arizona
-New Jersey v. T.L.O.
-Snyder v. Phelps
-Texas v. Johnson
For English Language Learners: Use the support tool, Spanish translation, voiceover and glossary
Teachers: Check out our classroom resources for Argument Wars. Just visit
Your students will learn to:
-Analyze the arguments and outcomes of landmark Supreme Court cases
-Evaluate available support for an argument to assess whether reasoning is sound and support is relevant or irrelevant
-Recognize the significance of the Constitution and Supreme Court precedent in deciding cases
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